Virtual Worlds Training

Virtual Worlds training goes on tour – next stop Durham

Virtual Worlds has taken its training on the road, with Ireland the first stop on its tour of the UK.

The new series of events aims to arm retailers with the training needed to create stunning 3D and 4D bathroom and kitchen designs by realizing the full potential of the Virtual Worlds technology.

Successful training days have already been held in Dublin and Belfast, with a further autumn date to come in Durham on 3rd November.

The event also includes a demonstration of the latest developments within virtual Worlds and a chance to network.

“Training is such an important aspect of a designer’s job, with technology and software developing so quickly, that we decided to take it on the road with a series of roadshows,” explains Virtual Worlds Managing Director, Nathan Maclean. “The training aims to help retailers really get the most out of Virtual Worlds, saving them time and teaching them some insider tips and tricks to produce amazing designs that their clients will love.”

To be part of the next training event at Durham Marriott Hotel on Wednesday 3 November, book your place by emailing

More news from Virtual Worlds

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