AMDEA boosts campaign to consumers to encourage appliance registration

As winter arrives and energy bills escalate, the Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Appliances (AMDEA) is asking retailers of home appliances and designers of kitchens to highlight the free appliance registry   

AMDEA wants appliance users to keep machines in peak condition and on the radar for eventual safety notifications or repairs. Registration is a simple way to help appliances last as long as possible, save money and keep everyone safe.

Chiming with International Product Safety Week (14th – 17th Nov 22) and ahead of the AMDEA’S campaign in January 2023, the Autumn registration push highlights the millions of unregistered home appliances in use. The registration portal allows users and owners to register small and large appliances, whether new, second-hand or inherited, in a property move. Many manufacturers accept the registration of products at least 12 years old. The campaign is endorsed by Fire & Rescue Services nationwide, safety and consumer groups and provides access to 60 leading appliance brands sold in the UK.

AMDEA CEO Paul Hide said: “Registering appliances directly with a wide range of manufacturers is free, easy, and quick. No proof of purchase is needed, whether an appliance is new,  already in the home, pre-used, or passed on by family or friends. With rising household costs, we also suspect there may be a growing market for pre-loved electricals and those actively seeking to recycle rather than buy new. These, too, should be registered Taking a few minutes to register all appliances allows manufacturers to locate their products, correctly target safety alerts, and make arrangements for free safety advice or repairs if needed.”

Register the missing millions

According to Government statistics, more than 210 million appliances are in UK homes. Yet official research estimated that 49% of us have never registered a product, leaving some 100 million appliances untraceable if a recall is required.

All eligible

With the recent growth in online appliance offerings, some may have been purchased on second-hand sites like Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree, Vinted or eBay. Others inherited or forgotten in second homes, garages, and sheds. Appliances provided by social housing or privately rented homes and those in multi-occupancy dwellings are all eligible for free registration. 

How?  links to 60 leading brands. By simply clicking on the relevant brand logo, the user reaches a data entry form linked directly to the correct manufacturer. Most accept registrations of products up to 12 years old. To increase the safety and the life of appliances, the Register My Appliance portal also offers the following:

–           A listing of appliance safety repairs and recalls

–           Hints and tips on household safety

–           Recommendations for appliance care 

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