Cold room storage

A cold room keeps your operations smart & efficient

A walk-in cold room that fits the non-standard space you have is possible and probably simpler than you might think. The Corner Fridge Company can help.

If you have a need for a controlled cool or cold environment for things like flowers, produce or medicines, and you’re no refrigeration expert, where do you go?  Are you ‘making-do’ with an assortment of fridges?  Would a walk-in cold room that fits the non-standard space you have, in the location where you want it, be the perfect answer?  The solution is easily achieved.

In fact, anything is easy when you find ‘the right man for the job’, especially when that ‘man’ also knows that you’re only interested in quality and peace of mind.

The Corner Fridge Company Ltd cleverly uses the advanced insulation materials and air-flow technology of their unique Corner Fridge, (the largest A+ energy rated fridge of its kind), to create off-the-shelf and purpose-built bespoke cold rooms.  All it takes is a call to get the ball rolling and your cold room installation put in place.  With cold rooms come shelving systems where all finished surfaces are manufactured with biocides helping to keep hygiene standards at optimum levels, and professional grade fixtures and fittings that ensure safe load bearing and ease of use.

Cold room storage Corner Fridge Company

Irwen Martin, joint company owner and developer of the Corner Fridge offers this advice ‘…whether it’s for a commercial application or part of a domestic interior design, you’ve got to keep an open mind about your requirements.  You just don’t know what is possible until you start asking around and find those people who can ‘do angles and work round corners’…’

Installing a cold room in place of an assortment of refrigerators means you only have one environment to monitor, organize and clean and only one set of door seals to keep in order.  Per cubic metre, cold rooms are cheaper to run than refrigerators, and are also more convenient for people who use them, resulting in fewer door openings and smoother operations all round.

So cold rooms make good business sense, but don’t take your air flow for granted!  Ensure you have expert knowledge engaged when planning an installation.  Air gaps and temperature inversion need to work properly which is why there are several air-flow cooling solutions available to suit various situations.  Make sure you receive expert advice to get the best solution for your needs, the team and engineers at The Corner Fridge Company Ltd are ready for your call.  Check them out at

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