Ascale Slabs

CRL Stone works with Tau for its Ascale slabs

CRL Stone is working with Tau for the supply of its Ascale large format sintered slabs.

Using technologically advanced tools and processes Ascale can produce the finest quality ceramic in various profiles, enabling CRL Stone to offer its Ceralsio collection in three thicknesses. This makes the surface not only ideal for kitchen worktops and bathroom countertops, but also perfect for wall cladding, splashbacks and even flooring solutions too.

The Ascale superior production method results in a high-performance ceramic that emulates the look and feel of natural stone. The advantages of this are what make Ceralsio such a popular choice; it’s highly durable, water-absorbent, heat, scratch and stain-resistant and even UV stable. Wherever it is used around the home, inside or outside, Ceralsio ceramic is a simple to maintain, visually appealing surface.

The latest Ceralsio surfaces launched as a result of the partnership with the Ascale brand include the on-trend Croma in Black, Grey, Silver and White, plus Montblanc White and Cardoso Grey.

For more details call CRL Stone on 01706 863 600 or visit

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