Indesit #doittogethercampaign

Indesit #doittogether campaign highlights benefits of role sharing

Indesit will be working with a variety of social media influencers to increase awareness of its #DoItTogether campaign and time-saving appliances.

Family bloggers and content creators will be putting Indesit appliances through their paces, getting family members involved with household tasks such as preparing and helping to cook the dinner as well as loading the washing machine and dishwasher.

Gender roles – survey

As part of its #DoItTogether campaign, Indesit conducted a study with 2,000 people to dig deeper into the subject of gender roles when it comes to tackling household chores.

Indesit found that despite 74 per cent believing traditional gendered roles to be totally outdated, six in 10 Brits admit that they and their partner still have ‘set’ chores they each tend to look after, with women feeling they take on the main share1.

The study also found that there is an even greater discrepancy with the hidden ‘emotional labour’ associated with household tasks, which includes planning, thinking about, preparing, anticipating, and keeping track of what needs to be done. 49 per cent of women report spending more time thinking about chores, whereas men are more likely to carry out a task if it visibly needs to be done (49 per cent), such as washing up a big pile of plates because there are no clean ones left1.

The data reveals that men are still in charge of taking out the bins and clearing out the drains, while women take charge of the washing up, laundry and cleaning the toilet.

Charmaine Warner, Indesit Brand Manager, says: “Even though ‘pink and blue’ jobs seem like an outdated concept, it does appear that these clichés are still around in our society, without us really noticing. Indesit champions gender equality in the home, and with our innovative Push&Go technology, doing tasks together in the household has never been easier, helping address the imbalance in chore sharing which is being faced in many homes.”

Dr Emma Hepburn comments, “Sharing chores equally in the household is important – allocating tasks is a start, but dividing the mental load more equally is just as important. This might be planning together for what needs done when or allocating specific planning tasks, so that everyone has clarity and ownership. Children are like sponges, so allowing them to witness an equal share in the division of mental and physical chores can be instrumental to the development of their behaviour and beliefs about the household.”

For more information on the Indesit #DoItTogether campaign, please contact your account manager, or visit the website at 

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