Bottled water alternative InSinkErator 4N1 Filtration tap Plastic free

InSinkErator® highlights bottled water alternative

InSinkErator® has broadened its marketing activities with a four-week London taxi advertising campaign, highlighting its 4N1 alternative to bottled water.

As part of its ongoing commitment to support the reduction of single-use plastic waste, InSinkErator® has adorned the exterior, and interior, of two London taxi cabs with advertisements displaying the company’s range of 4N1 Touch taps as a bottled water alternative. Consumers with an InSinkErator® 4N1 Touch Tap benefit from having instant filtered water readily available in their own home, reducing the need to purchase bottled water; especially when a variety of re-fillable drinking bottles are widely available.

Displaying the 4N1 Touch taps to millions of people in London, the two taxis will travel through the streets of London for a total of four weeks, increasing the exposure and awareness of the brand, and drive footfall for retail partners. The interior of the cabs display further product information and benefits for passengers, who travel on average between two and five miles per journey1.

In the UK, of the 35.8 million plastic bottles that are used every day, 16 million of them are not recycled2. The non-recycled bottles, therefore, end up in landfill or in the ocean, affecting the sea-life and the environment. To combat these astonishing figures, InSinkErator® manufactures products that can be easily installed into consumers’ homes to effectively work towards reducing these waste statistics.

Bottled water alternative 4N1 InSinkErator Filtration Tap

Anne Kaarlela, Marketing Communications Manager, Europe and Russia, InSinkErator®, says: “We will continue to encourage the use of re-fillable drinking bottles, instead of plastic bottles, and are committed to providing lifestyle enhancing solutions, such as our 4N1 Touch tap, for our customers.

“Advertising InSinkErator® on two London taxis offers us great exposure that will attract consumer attention. We hope this campaign will also increase footfall for our kitchen specialist retailers by displaying the 4N1 Touch tap, part of the exclusive Showroom Collection.”

For more information on the 4N1 filtration tap and range of products available from InSinkErator®, consult your Account Manager or visit the website at

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