John Hotowka

John Hotowka confirmed speaker at 2021 conference

The BMA has confirmed that business speaker John Hotowka will speak at the 2021 conference. The event, which was due to take place next month, has been moved to June 2021 following the recent ongoing pandemic.

John Hotowka is a business mogul, humourist and magician who has the first-hand experience of the highs and lows running a business solo. Starting his career in 1989, he built a very successful international business.   He has studied high achievers, and neuroscience, as well as gaining extensive industry knowledge and insight working with numerous blue-chip organisations and small businesses.   He distilled his findings and developed ‘Achievement Thinking’. He now equips his audiences with the tools they need to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

BMA CEO Tom Reynolds said, “John is a great addition to next years’ event. The conference will focus on current topics that have a real impact on business, providing valuable information around ‘Sustainability for the Sector.’ We are taking bookings now with delegates having the option to pay nothing until January 2021.”   Marketing Manager, Amy Kirk added “The pandemic has meant we needed to move the event to 2021. However, we have been able to take some positives from the situation, with the launch of our new website and our new online booking system for Conference. The system is now live, and delegates can book by visiting our website.”  

The BMA is offering a limited number of sponsorship opportunities for the 2021 Conference

For more details and to book call 01782 631619 or email

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