kbbg postpones members' meeting

KBBG Annual Members’ meeting postponed

The Kitchen Bathroom Buying Group (KBBG), part of DER KREIS, has postponed its Annual Members’ Meeting until 2021 due to the uncertainty of the current pandemic. 

The meeting was due to take place on 15th June 2020 at Williams Conference Centre in Oxfordshire. The KBBG is pleased to have worked with Williams to reschedule the event to be held at the same venue next year. The new date for the invite-only Annual Members’ Meeting is 14th June 2021. 

Bill Miller, Managing Director, KBBG says: “Our Annual Members’ Meeting is invaluable for meeting and networking with like-minded colleagues, as well as finding out what is new for members. We are, of course, disappointed to have to postpone the event, but we must consider safety and wellbeing first and foremost.

“We are delighted that Williams Conference Centre is available to host our Annual Members’ Meeting in 2021. Williams is one of the world’s leading Formula One teams and as well as being able to use its fantastic conference facilities, our members will also have access to view the world’s largest private collection of Formula One cars.”

Each year the Annual Members’ Meeting includes inspirational speakers, unique supplier offers and superb networking opportunities, and 2021 will be no exception. Bill comments: “We will expand on our plans for this year’s meeting and deliver an exceptional event for our members in 2021.”

The KBBG will ensure that members are kept up-to-date throughout this uncertain period of time. Bill concludes: “It’s important for the KBB industry to stick together during the uncertainty and to go forward with a positive outlook to the future.” 

For further information on the KBBG call 02382 021 347 or 07887 247811, email b.miller@derkreis.co.uk or visit the website at www.kbbg.co.uk 

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