Michel BRAS brand launches “Quotidien”

The Michel BRAS brand has been developing kitchen tools that stimulates its’ users’ creativity and enriches their life; it now welcomes a new series of knives named “Quotidien” which means “everyday” in French. The new series includes three kitchen knives for daily use.

For Michel, cooking is a perpetual challenge to enhance his creativity, with each and every dish reflecting the ultimate of his art. Michel thought of designing more casual kitchen knives, with his own life in mind. Knives fit for daily cooking and still provide inspiration to their user. The “Quotidien” line, which was born from this idea, offers more reasonably priced attractive items that also reflect closely the brand’s values and sense of aesthetic.

The knives have a delicate shape, titanium-coated blades and hand-cut handles that fit comfortably in the user’s hand: they are designed to be “the wonderful tools for daily use”.

New users will enjoy “Quotidien” series as entry model knives, while those who are already familiar with the brand can welcome them as casual new companions.

Enjoy being creative every day with “Quotidien”!

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