Omega PLCcontracts market

Omega PLC celebrates growth in the contracts market

British Kitchen manufacturer Omega PLC has invested in the home developer experience with new showroom displays, managerial structure, and customer service infrastructure. 

Over the last six years the Yorkshire-based business has established itself as a major player in the contracts market.  Omega is building on this success by reinforcing the managerial structure with new hires and employing a larger team to enable and support continued growth.

The British business invested millions to secure raw materials pre-Brexit and boasts a state-of-the-art warehouse and production facility with further investment into manufacturing and logistics to guarantee a robust domestic supply chain and on-time delivery. 

Omega puts home developers at the heart of their business.  Customer satisfaction is integral to developers, Omega PLC sales director John Cahill says, “Excellence in customer service is what achieves long-term customer relationships.  I am proud of the investment and infrastructure we have in place.  Omega cabinets and kitchens are made to last, and the Omega product guarantee will assure customers that they’re made to be lived in and enjoyed. Quality guarantees such as this, as well as the widest range of kitchens, consistently on-time deliveries, and excellent customer service from design to installation, means that Omega ticks the box at every point to ensure our customers are 100% satisfied.”

Katy Snow national head of contract operations says “Omega are industry leaders in aftercare service, which is demonstrated by the number of home developers we supply to who exclusively work with us.  Our aftercare service is integral to our contracts customers and one of the many reasons they continue to work with Omega.”    

This year they have invested over £500k into the 13,000 sq. ft. showroom, the largest, upmarket business-to-business kitchen display area in the UK, giving unrivalled insight into their product selection.  Omega PLC sales director John Cahill, says “The showroom displays the technical quality and outstanding design of the product which allows developers to sell to their customer with passion.”  The showroom boasts over 60 full kitchen displays and unique Inspire Zones which present real home settings including a full working kitchen, living, dining and workspace area all made solely from kitchen cabinetry.  The business also offers a virtual tour (accessed via Omega’s website) which allows developers to navigate through a 3D representation of the showroom. 

According to top the Omega team they are masters at identifying future trends and creatively interpreting these in their products.  They are equipped with the knowledge of how colour and style can impact the environment of a home and the mood of those in it.  This wealth of knowledge is said to transform Show Homes with open shelving, modern internal accessories, and space-saving configurations combined with the most comprehensive painted kitchen collection in the UK, 19 painted door styles in 22 painted colours available on 11 cabinet colours. 

With sustainability becoming integral to consumer purchasing decisions the business is investing in this field. Omega PLC CEO Simon Barber says, “In 2018, Omega invested £20 million back into the business with a focus on our future sustainability and corporate social responsibility goals. We created a best-in-class manufacturing and support centre offering the best kitchens in the UK with an underlying foundation to achieve a brighter future for our people, partners, and the planet. We support UN Sustainable Development Goals which we have integrated into our business practice.”

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