Space Step From BLUM

Space step delivers benefits to cabinet plinths

Blum’s plinth solution creates storage below and provides easy access up high.

Cabinet plinths offer undreamt-of possibilities. Space Step by Blum brings multi-functionality to areas that are frequently left unused. The plinth solution consists of a step which extends with a single touch and a pull-out underneath for seldom used items.

Space Step delivers multiple benefits to an area that is frequently left unused: the cabinet plinth. The plinth solution by Blum extends with a single touch and can be used as a step. Good for everyone. Children, for example, can reach kitchen worktops more easily and lend a helping hand with cooking and baking. Space Step also makes little ones more independent in bathrooms: they can reach the washbasin and wash their hands and brush their teeth by themselves. As for “big” users, the step gives them easy access to higher levels, be it wall cabinets in kitchens or hat racks in hallways.  But that’s not all. The clever plinth solution by Austrian manufacturer of fittings, Blum fulfils another function: the top of the step can be simply pushed back into the cabinet to reveal a pull-out underneath. This is where Space Step creates extra storage space for seldom used storage items.

Broad field of application

The plinth solution lowers when a weight of 8 kg or more is applied, thus securely locking the step in position, making it safe even for the smallest of users.  It can withstand loads of up to 150 kg, provided the recommended construction is used. Space Step can be used for step heights of 150 to 250 mm and is suitable for cabinet widths of 400 to 1200 mm. Be it recessed plinths, recessed low plinths or flush plinths, the plinth solution by Blum can be implemented for all standard plinth types.  For supreme user convenience, combine the solution with the Servo-Drive electrical opening support system by Blum. But it can also be easily implemented with mechanical motion technologies such as Tip-On Blumotion and Tip-On. Space Step closes softly and effortlessly with Blumotion.

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