The Used Kitchen Company and The Symphony Group have signed a new agreement, to deliver enhanced sustainability in the kitchen sector in 2021 by encouraging recycling.
The new accord between the two eco-conscious companies will see Symphony retailers encouraged to recycle their ex-display kitchens through whilst also urging customers to recycle their old kitchens through TUKC.
Symphony is encouraging its retail partners to embrace Kitchen Passport, the unique eco-initiative that TUKC launched in mid 2020. Key information about the kitchen such as the range and supplier of the furniture, worktops, appliances, sink and tap are added to the Kitchen Passport and saved in one accessible and secure website, making it easier to make changes or sell the kitchen on in the future. Symphony is encouraging its showrooms to create a Kitchen Passport for every kitchen sold. This constitutes a big step forward for sustainability within the kitchen trade.

Awards, which can boost the green credentials of Symphony retailers and give them the sustainable personae that many customers wish to see, are also being launched in March. The Symphony Sustainability Award will recognise the showroom that recycles most kitchens through TUKC, whilst The Symphony Big Bucks Award, will be presented to the showroom that recycles the highest value kitchen.
All actions should deliver considerable eco-benefit. Every needlessly scrapped kitchen creates around 1.2 tonnes of unnecessary landfill waste. The Used Kitchen Company has saved over 18,000 tonnes of such waste, since launching the kitchen recycling concept in 2005, and now wants every kitchen to be equipped with its own Kitchen Passport, to highlight how the entire kitchen, or its component materials, can be recycled.
Symphony spokesperson Simon says: “We’re delighted to be collaborating with TUKC and our retailer partners to help extend the life of both ex-display and used kitchens. At Symphony we take our environmental responsibilities seriously and are currently working on a number of initiatives, through both our operations and product selection, which will reduce our impact on the environment. Extending the life of our furniture through this collaboration makes sense for us, our retailers, their customers and the environment so we’re excited to be involved.”
TUKC’s CEO, Looeeze Grossman, adds, “This is a major step forward for Kitchen Passport and sustainability within the kitchen sector. Our goal is to make it as natural to recycle a kitchen, as it is to recycle other household waste. We need forward-thinking sustainability partners, like Symphony, to help make that happen and thank them for giving Kitchen Passport their stamp of approval.”
The Used Kitchen Company was recognised twice for its strategic sustainability marketing in 2020, winning both a PRCA DARE Award and a Northern Marketing Award. With more initiatives planned, it will be continuing to influence the green agenda in the kitchen sector in 2021.