Egger Worktops Texture Meets Colour

Texture Meets Colour with Egger

Egger’s latest ‘Texture Meets Colour’ collection is available in 14 decors and four textures. A mix and match approach means customers can easily create either a bold or subtle painted timber look. For specific colour requirements, a painting grade board is available.

Suitable for multiple applications, low maintenance and low-cost MFC offers an alternative to painted timber, creating elegant and timeless interiors. Catering for all areas, MFC is perfect for door frontals and carcassing.

Texture Meets Colour Egger Worktops

Board sizes – 2800 × 2070 mm. Edging is available in both 23 × 0.8 mm and 23 × 2 mm in both ST27 (suitable for ST12 and ST27 board material) and ST38 (suitable for ST19 and ST38 board material).

Egger offer A4 (297 x 210 x 8 mm) samples of our Texture Meets Colour range.

For more information visit the website

Egge wortops Texture Meets Colour

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