Virtual Worlds 4D Theatre

Virtual Worlds 4D Theatre – the appliance of science in design

Many visitors to kbb Birmingham enjoyed their first experience of using virtual reality as a kitchen and bathroom design tool, with the Virtual Worlds 4D Theatre drawing the crowds and receiving an excellent response.

Virtual Worlds 4D Theatre

Virtual Worlds has reported feedback was positive, with many users commenting on how personal the experience felt, and that is because the technology is based on neuroscience and leaves nothing to the imagination.

By merging neurological and virtual sensory streams, 4D technology delivers a series of powerful stimuli that provide an experience that is personal, contrastable, tangible, memorable, visual and emotional. Friendly messages are sent to the fast-acting ‘primal brain’, which then permeates to the slower ‘rational brain’, making the user more likely to commit to the design and therefore increasing consumer buy-in.

Not only does the user experience a fully immersive experience where they can ‘step into’ their dream kitchen or bathroom for an unrivalled sense of spatial awareness, with 4D Theatre virtual hands can be changed to match the skin colour of the user and even personal touches such as family photos and children’s artwork can be used as props within the design.

This makes the design process all about the user and once seen, the 4D design stays in the mind of the consumer, prompting a return visit to the showroom, at which point a ‘yes, let’s go ahead,’ is almost guaranteed. So much so that retailers already on board with Virtual Worlds are reporting conversion rates increasing by an average of 50% (with some even hitting 100%), while order values are increasing by around 20% as a direct result of using Virtual Worlds.

As with any new technology, the benefits of 4D Theatre and virtual reality need to be seen to be believed, which is why Virtual Worlds is offering independent retailers the opportunity to increase their sales by 30% by using the software, or their money back.

For more information on Virtual Worlds, visit or call 01908 663848.

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