
Virtual Worlds AR app in Trading Depot

Virtual Worlds has officially launched its Augmented Reality AR app, with Trading Depot being the first online bathroom retailer to enjoy the advantages of this latest software that enables installers and end users to try before they buy like never before.

With showroom and countertop space often at a premium, this latest technology is particularly beneficial for retailers, with Virtual Worlds AR enabling any display model to be instantly sourced, with the entire Virtual Worlds library of branded 3D product models transformed into real-world assets.

Retailers can obtain any product from the extensive product library simply by placing it into a room design and creating an AR code, giving designs an interactive element that enables their customers to see how different configurations and finishes will look.


“By using the Virtual Worlds AR app, Trading Depot is able to bring bathroom and kitchen products into our customers’ homes in a way that has not been possible before now,” said Darren House, Director of Trading Depot. “This is a unique experience which makes the decision process so much simpler and aids with a purchase as it offers the customers the reassurance they need that they are buying the right product.

“The Augmented Reality AR app has been straightforward to set up and is simple to use for everyone.”

Free to download and use for Android and Apple users, the App allows anyone to scan AR codes and visualise products, giving merchants a big impact, low cost design solution that brings showroom displays to life.

For more information on Virtual Worlds, please visit

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