Virtual Worlds Design Hub

Virtual Worlds Design Hub sees unprecedented demand

The idea of the Virtual Worlds Design Hub may have begun long before furlough was ever spoken of, but with many kbb retailers experiencing a boost in sales since lockdown lifted as consumers have looked to invest in home improvements, the service has seen unprecedented demand.

Enabling showrooms to keep up with demand while staffing levels are reduced, the Design Hub is just one of the many ways that Virtual Worlds is helping retailers close sales and increase profitability.

Armed with a basic understanding of a project’s requirements, including style and colour theme, perimeter measurements and location of windows, doors and other fixed features, the Design Hub team will get to work. They will produce a 2D plan, with rendered photo-realistic jpeg images along with a link to the project on design cloud which can be shared with their customer. This link enables consumers to explore the design from the comfort of their own home, moving around and interacting with the design using their tablet or smartphone, keeping the consumer’s interest, and helping you to progress the sale.

Head Designer Lauren Sutton comments: “The Design Hub has been fulfilling an immediate need for assistance from retailers who may have been faced with staffing issues since the onset of the pandemic. It is a service that was launched to provide an overflow for growing businesses and it is fantastic that we have been able to help so many retailers proceed with designs for their customers at this time.”

For more information on Virtual Worlds call  01908 663 848 or visit

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